Wednesday, November 7, 2012



Becoming an author surprised me as well as my family, friends, and my community.  I didn’t grow up writing poems and reading books, but for me, writing was just as easy as breathing.

During my early 30’s I decided to go back to college.  After taking a placement test and scoring really high on the writing portion, but low on the reading—I was placed in a remedial reading class.  That was where my journey began.

Being brutally honest—I was pissed that one out of my four classes was remedial reading.  Life moves fast after thirty and I felt a non-college level class was a waste of my time.  I was forced to read book after book and then engage in group discussions.  Half the class came from hard knocks like me and the other half used English as their second language. 

Professor Steve Cohen taught us.  From the neck up he looked nerdy in a good way.  He wore seeing glasses with a thick black frame.  He had a head full of black hair that was parted down the side and slicked down neatly.  From the floor up he was tore up, wearing sneakers, jogging shorts, and a t-shirt.  He did a rhythm-less dance as his students entered class.  He kind of favored the famous actor Kevin James.  And then he opened his mouth and began to speak.  By the end of the class everyone could relate to him.  He became all things to all people in our class: goofy, smart, ghetto, Black, Caucasian, Hispanic, working class, welfare class, and no class.  We all felt a bond with him and soon began to bond with each other as we engaged in classroom discussions about reading and how it relates to our lives. 

Professor Cohen shared a book that he wrote while he was in college.  It was a book to help new college students find their way around school.  It was then, at that moment when I decided to write a book about my life.  Writing a book would make sense out of no sense.  Give my pain and struggles reason.  I asked “What do you think about me writing a book?”
            He responded, “That’s great! Bring me your first five pages.”
Now I was just running an idea pass him.  I hadn’t written anything and had no idea of how to begin to write a book, but I was excited.  It consumed my thoughts for days. Where do I start? What do I write about?  How honest should I be?  Whose voice should tell the story?  Questions multiplied as the days passed.

Well I started with the most dramatic thing I could remember happening to me.  Professor Cohen read my first five pages and loved it.  He said, “Keep writing.”  I wrote every night for three months straight.  My book was complete and it was all over the place.  Only I could understand it.  I had to rewrite the whole book.

This blog is my journey to becoming an author.  Let’s get started!  Please read my next blog titled, GETTING STARTED


Click on the link below to read an article I wrote about Professor Steve Cohen in 2010 

Click on the link below to borrow my book for FREE or read on Kindle for $2.99.

Click on link below to buy Paperback from Amazon

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